Becoming-One Church's Press
Welcome Audio
In the Beginning God
but before the beginning the
Pre-Creation Power
set everything in order
First of all, Our Basic Beliefs: For out of Him, and through Him, and into Him, all things. (Rom 11:36) In order that may be the God all in all. (1Cor 15:28) And now abides faith, hope, love ... but the greatest of these is love. (1Cor 13:13)

How did life come to be? Did life come from some mysterious process of mixing cosmic soup together for billions of years? Or did life come from a great powerful God?  Who or what is God?  And what is His Name? Some say his name is Yahweh, or Jehovah, or LORD, or Yehowah, or "I am," or Allah. So what is God's Name? Or does a name really matter?

Are you interested in why?  When you suffer and when you see others suffer, especially children, do you wonder why? Can God be all powerful and yet be all good? What about evil? If God is all powerful why is there evil? How can one explain these paradoxes? Yes, what about the problem of evil? Is there a reason for evil?  What is evil? Why was the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden not just the tree of knowledge of evil, but instead the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Again, why evil? Is there a Law of Knowledge?

Is there life after death? Is our life futile and will it only end in a permanent death? Is there a hell or a last judgment? Is there a heaven? Is there a real Church of God?

Is there free will? Or is everything predestinated? What about law versus grace? What is soul or spirit? Or is there soul or spirit? Or does any of this matter?

What is Christianity? What are the Christian Doctrines? To be a Christian means you are following Christ. Christ gave his disciples the new commandment of Love. Love is patient, kind, not jealous, not arrogant, not unbecoming, is not easily provoked, rejoices in the truth and in all things good. But the Bible speaks of hell, damnation, hell-fire, punishment, evil, demons and apparently an unending hell for the unbelievers. How can God be love and send people to hell forever? And what about sin, the ten commandments, the resurrection, heaven, the holy spirit, the kingdom of God and other subjects spoken about in the Bible? There are so many opinions on these subjects. So what is the truth? Is there a hell? Do we have to keep the ten commandments? Where does Love come in? To get to the truth, the New Mind Papers cuts across barriers set up in modern religiosity and blind mindsets. You will be surprised at the real, and we mean real, Good News of the teaching of Jesus Christ. God truly is Love.

Why did Christ speak in parables?  "And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?" (Mat 13:10-16)  Didn't Christ want people to understand his message? Look at Christ's answer: "Because it is given unto you [his disciples] to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given." (Mat 13:11)  What does this mean? Is the truth hidden? If the truth is hidden, why, at least according to popular Christian beliefs, will those who do not believe, go to hell? Is God fair? Or is God's word being misrepresented by many churches? What about all those who never hear God's word? Something is going on here. Most churches don't understand it and they don't have any logical doctrine that explains it. They call it a "mystery" that God will work out. This is a cop out, and you know it. You don't have to believe their "mystery" explanation anymore.

Daniel's prophecy was "sealed till the time of the end.... and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (Dan 12:9-10)

Can we know the future? What about war? Is Armageddon around the corner? Or is the new world order going to solve everything? What about prophecy? What about the Beast of Revelation? What about the man with the number 666?
Note: The chart above is an exact copy of the original 1971 chart. See here for more information on the meaning of this chart.

Contradictions: Do you wonder why the teachers of religion, politics, science, and other aspects of life seem to contradict each other? Should paradoxes and contradictions matter? Is there a law of contradiction?

We now live in the old age that is full of paradoxical opinion. Everyone seems to have their own idea on what is and what is not good. There are many opinions on what is a good man, a good Christian, a good Muslim, a good agnostic, or a good....

There is good news, and lots of it. Irrespective of the world around us today, there is good news. We are now in the age of confusion and hate, but a New Age is coming wherein we will all live together in harmony. The Bible called this the Kingdom of God. There is a reason for the present age. The confusion isn't futile, even though it may seem so. You and I aren't perfect now, but we will be. The universe is headed towards a goal. The goal is harmony. The goal is Becoming-One. There is a Great Power in control of the universe.

Yet we are at war: good v. evil. A spiritual war that is. A war in which evil will begin to destroy the world very shortly with weapons of mass destruction. The true end of evil is total destruction. Evil is rebellion against all that is good and just. But we have a savior who will not only save the decent ones, but also all the others from themselves. (see our "Wrath Papers" -- PR4, PR5 & PR6)

Too many have cried "truth, truth." Too many have wrongly followed. I have made mistakes; you have made mistakes; we all have, except One. But the truth will stand on its own, and manifest itself in due time.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). When you see the press, politicians, world leaders, and so-called religious leaders calling for tolerance of perversion and evil, then you know you have entered the zone of delusions: "For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness." (2 Thes 2:11-12)  We should not take pleasure in evil; we who are in Love hate evil (Prov 8:13; Amos 5:15; Rom 12:9) and love the good. In Context this quote is speaking about the time of the end when the man of sin appears. Other scripture points out this man and how to identify him.

Goal of creation. Despite everything there is a grand goal in our universe: the universe will Become One. You can't make it happen, nor can I. Yet, all will BeComeOne by the Great Power, the Real God. "Jesus said to them, You err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the POWER of God." (Mat 22:29) Let us not err by not perceiving the great power of God. And that becoming oneness will be love. Strive for love, even though most of us come short of it.

Read and study our web site.  For more information click the links on this page and then visit the rest of our web site by clicking on the pertinent links found at the top or the bottom of this page.

Jesus Christ said: "I have many things yet to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now. However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own, but the things he hears he will speak, and he will announce to you the things coming. That one will glorify me, because out of the things of mine he will receive and he will announce it to you. All things possessed by the Father are mine." (John 16:12-15)

Most powerful person: We are the friends of the most powerful person in the universe if we do whatsoever he commands us. (John 15:14) What does he command us? That we love one another. (John 15:17) 

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Sex, Feminism and Male Chauvinism. In the beginning God made them male and female. (Mark 10:6) So what good is it to prove you can do anything a man can do when you do not do what a man cannot do (have children)? What good is your self-glorifying chauvinism when you wouldn't be here without your mother and you would be a cold hard person without your mother's loving care?

What about science? We use the scientific method to find the truth. The scientific method is different from "science." Many fields of science use historical guess work instead of observations because they are trying to reconstruct the past without witnesses. They construct time lines from suppositions, not from reliable historical documents or reliable witnesses, and they ignore any evidence that is contrary to their theories. Read a book on one such theory that is contrary to observation yet is taught as if it were absolutely true. Einstein: Light, Time and Relativity.

If you hunger and thirst for the truth, you are on the right web site.

New Commandment:
* Love one another. (John 13:34; 14:15; 15:12)

* Bear with one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Gal 6:2) Real Faith works through love. (Gal 5:6)

* Love one another -- don't do evil to your neighbor: this fulfills the basic meaning of the old law. (Rom 13:8-10)

Basic Beliefs: For out of Him, and through Him, and into Him, all things. (Rom 11:36) In order that may be the God all in all. (1Cor 15:28) And now abides faith, hope, love ... but the greatest of these is love. (1Cor 13:13)

Learn More: Read all our papers and our books to understand more about our beliefs.

FAQ: See our Frequently asked questions.

Be a member: If you believe, then it is time to become a member.

See a picture of our Church. See a picture of our leader.

Do good; take care of your body that God gave you; eat healthy (no drugs)

Goal of Creation: BeComing-One

In the End --- God
God is Love, Peace, Harmony
Multiplicity in One; One in Multiplicity
God, all in all... (1 Cor 15:28)